
Liposculpting removes excess fat deposits to slim and reshape specific areas of the body.

Smooth and Contour Your Body

Liposculpting (or liposuction) slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, helping to improve your body contours and proportion. While under local anesthesia, liposuction patients can reduce localized fat deposits of the thighs, hips & buttocks, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, inner knee, chest area, calves and ankles, and areas of the face (cheeks, chin and neck).

Men or women in the Chicago area that have so called “problem areas” or localized fatty deposits are good candidates. However, it is also important that they are healthy, have good skin elasticity, and have fat deposits that are disproportionate to the rest of their body. As with any cosmetic procedure, it is also important to have realistic expectations.

How Does Liposculpting Work?

A specialized tube called a cannula is used. The cannula is inserted through a tiny incision placed in inconspicuous locations on the body or face.

With the use of a suction pump attached to the cannula, the fat cells are removed. The result is a reshaping of bulging areas and a smoother, more contoured appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Typically one procedure will yield the desired results. However, there are some patients that may require a touch-up at a later date. All liposuction procedures are done conveniently in our downtown Chicago office.

What Results Will I See?

When fat cells are removed, it is permanent. Those fat cells will never come back. You can, however, expand the fat cells you still have by gaining weight, but the disproportionate areas that have been treated with liposuction will be smoother and more contoured. A healthy diet and exercise are always recommended to stay in optimal shape. Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise. Liposuction is not an effective treatment for loose, saggy skin or cellulite

Is Any Downtime Required?

You will be advised to go home afterward and rest over the next 24 hours. Extra-strength Tylenol and cold packs will help with discomfort and swelling. You will be given an elastic dressing to wear for a few days and then at night only for two weeks. Since this procedure is performed under local anesthesia, patients typically resume mild activities and work within two days and their normal exercise routine within one week.

Double chin removal, facelift and neck liposuction

Before & After Photos

pinski liposculpting 1 before
pinski liposculpting 1 after
pinski liposculpting 2 before
pinski liposculpting 2 after
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pinski liposculpting 3 after
pinski liposculpting 4 before
pinski liposculpting 4 after
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pinski liposculpting 5 after
pinski liposculpting 6 before
pinski liposculpting 6 after

To learn more about liposculpting, call today!

Service Locations:

Millennium Park, (312) 263-4625

Make an Appointment