Keratosis Pilaris

A genetic skin issue, keratosis pilaris can cause red bumps and/or rough skin texture on several different parts on the body.

Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris, commonly known as “chicken skin” for its appearance, is a common benign follicular skin condition. Symptoms of KP usually include small, painless, red bumps. They typically appear on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks, or buttocks. The tiny bumps may also be accompanied by dry or rough skin.

What Causes Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is a genetic condition. The bumps and rough skin texture are caused by a build-up of keratin. Keratin is a hard protein that protects the skin from harmful substances and infections. This build-up of keratin forms a plug that blocks the opening of the hair follicles on the body.

How Is Keratosis Pilaris Treated?

While you can’t cure or prevent keratosis pilaris, you can treat it with certain topical products to help improve the appearance of the affected skin. It is often treated with prescription creams. These creams can contain certain acids to help exfoliate the skin, remove dead skin cells and improve the appearance of the bumpy, rough texture. Other creams that contain topical retinoids are very helpful to increase the cell turnover rate and prevent the build-up of keratin.

To learn more about treating keratosis pilaris, call or schedule online today!

Service Locations:
Millennium Park Office, (312) 263-4625
Bourbonnais Office, (815) 933-2227

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