Juvéderm® Vollure®

Add Volume to Smooth Laugh Lines

Vollure is formulated with Allergan’s proprietary VYCROSS® technology, which blends different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid, contributing to the gel’s duration.

Juvéderm Vollure

Juvéderm Vollure injectable gel is for injection into the moderate to severe facial wrinkles, such as nasolabial folds, in adults over the age of 21.  

Vollure is formulated with Allergan’s proprietary VYCROSS technology, which blends different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid, contributing to the gel’s duration. Our team will determine how much Vollure is needed and where, and inject the filler to the appropriate areas. 

vollure feature

Pre and Post Care Instructions

Click to view treatment instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Vollure instantly restores volume and fullness to areas that have lost it due to aging. Vollure will also soften the appearance of deeper wrinkles and folds such as nasolabial folds. Discuss your medical history at your office visit to rule out any contraindications to this product.

Is There Any Downtime Associated with the Procedure?

The procedure is very quick and easy. Prior to filler injections, a numbing cream is applied to the site. Some patients may experience mild swelling or bruising at the injection site that lasts anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Cold compresses can be applied post treatment to reduce any potential side-effects. Camouflage makeup may also be used and most patients can return immediately to work and resume normal activities. We recommend that patients avoid aspirin, blood thinning medications, vitamin E supplements and alcohol for three days prior to any injectable procedure to minimize the risk of bruising. We will discuss your medical history at your office visit to rule out any contraindications to this product.

What Treatments/Procedures Can Be Combined with Vollure?

Filler helps with restoring volume to areas, but sometimes additional treatment like Botox® or Dysport® may be needed to help soften some excess muscle contractions which result in the formation of lines. Treatments to help the epidermis and general skin health are DermaSweep, chemical peels, laser resurfacing and a customized topical regimen. The combination of these therapies can be very satisfying to effectively treat signs of aging from various angles.

Before & After Vollure

pinski vollure injectable filler 1 before

Before Juvéderm® Vollure®

pinski vollure injectable filler 1 after

After Juvéderm® Vollure®

To learn more about Vollure, call or schedule today!

Service Locations:
Millennium Park, (312) 263-4625

Bourbonnais, (815) 933-2227

Make an Appointment