DEKA SmartXide Tetra

A Fully Customizable Skin Resurfacing Treatment

Tetra reduces signs of aging for beautiful, rejuvenated skin. 

DEKA SmartXide Tetra

Tetra is a CO2 laser that offers fully customizable skin resurfacing to eliminate aging signs like wrinkles, uneven texture and acne scars for dramatically smoother, brighter, younger-looking skin. 

Treatments can be performed in more mild settings which we refer to as “weekend” Tetra or with stronger settings which we refer to as “full strength” Tetra depending on the amount of downtime a patient is able to undergo. Compared to CoolPeel, Tetra treatments incorporate an additional heat component that is necessary for deeper skin concerns such as laxity or more significant textural concerns including deeper wrinkles and moderate to severe acne scarring. Tetra also features more operating settings so providers can better customize the intensity, depth and coverage of the laser energy. 

Along with other issues, Tetra can help with: 

  • Fine lines to deep wrinkles   
  • Acne scars  
  • Sun damage  
  • Dullness/texture  
  • Lax skin 

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Avoid sun exposure four weeks before treatment.  
  • Self-tanning lotions and/or spray tans should be avoided for at least two weeks prior to your treatment. 
  • If instructed, begin using Alastin Regenerating Skin Nectar twice daily two weeks before the procedure. 
  • Avoid harsh scrubs or exfoliants one week before the procedure. 
  • Stop retinoids and Melatonik to the treatment area one week prior to the procedure. 
  • If you have a history of cold sores, notify your doctor prior to the procedure, so that you can be given a medication to reduce the chance of a breakout. 
  • To minimize discomfort, you make take 600mg of ibuprofen 1 hour before your treatment BUT DO NOT TAKE IBUPROFEN FOR ONE WEEK PRIOR IF YOU ARE USING PRP DURING YOUR TREATMENT, AS IT CAN MAKE THE TREATMENT LESS EFFECTIVE. 
  • It is a good idea to bring a hat, scarf or other protective clothing to help protect the area on your way home after treatment, as sunscreen cannot be applied while the channels created during treatment remain open (6-12 hours). 
  • Some patients may be required to use a topical lightening cream four to six weeks prior to treatment. 

Post-Treatment Instructions

Click below for full post-treatment instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Will I Be Like Afterwards? 

Downtime is dependent on your specific treatment. It can range from a couple days of moderate redness, swelling, and dryness to 10 days of more intense redness, swelling, peeling, and scabbing. Your provider will instruct you on what skin care to use following the treatment until the skin is healed. Avoid sun exposure for six weeks following the treatment and apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 and zinc oxide as an active ingredient. 

  • What Results Can I Expect? 

One can expect improved skin texture and firmness and a decreased appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. These results will develop in the 6-12 months following a series of treatments. 

  • How Long with Results Last? 

The effects of laser resurfacing are not permanent, but they can last for several years. To maintain the results of laser resurfacing, it is important to protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen and avoiding prolonged sun exposure.  

Before & After

prp tetra before 1


6 months post 3 Weekend Tetra with PRP Infraorbital txs

prp tetra after 1


6 months post 3 Weekend Tetra with PRP Infraorbital txs

prp before 1


2 months post 3 PRP txs

prp after 1


2 months post 3 PRP txs

Bucktown Full Strength Tetra Before


Full Strength Tetra

Bucktown Full Strength Tetra After


Full Strength Tetra

Strong Tetra Downtime

bucktown strong tetra downtime

Weekend Tetra Downtime

bucktown strong tetra downtime 3

To learn more about DEKA SmartXide Tetra, call or schedule online today!

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